Pennsylvania needs to seize the exchange of pornographic emails between the state attorney general’s staff and a state Supreme Court justice as a teachable moment (“Pa. Supreme Court justice suspended,” Reading Eagle, Oct. 21).Sometimes sexual harassment is open and direct.

Sometimes it is hinted. Always its message is that the victim’s job includes destructive, demeaning challenges few men face. And in hostile workplaces, morale and productivity generally drop.

When so many top officials responsible for interpreting and enforcing our laws laugh and share smarmy retorts over these images, even in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky child-abuse case, should any woman feel secure trusting authorities to understand her fears or to defend her rights? Surely the people involved in this scandal have women and even lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender family members. One wonders how they could not consider how people in their lives would feel knowing about their actions. Read More at The Reading Eagle →