Programas clave

Building PA

The program provides mezzanine capital for developers of real estate assets in small to midsized Pennsylvania communities. Funds are awarded to Professional Investment Fund Managers through a Request for Qualification (RFQ) (advertised in Pennsylvania Bulletin), through the Commonwealth Financing Authority.

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Business in Our Sites (BOS) Loans

The Business in Our Sites Program provides loans for the acquisition and development of key sites for future use by businesses, private developers, and others. The program is intended to provide financial assistance to municipalities and others to prepare sites for future use.

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Keystone Innovation Network (KIN)

KIN is a competitive grant program supported by the Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority. Services include the acceleration of technology commercialization, the development of technology transfer infrastructure, the leveraging of university research faculty and intellectual property, tax incentives, funding, and other supportive services that foster growth in companies and the communities where they are established.

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Keystone Innovation Zone Tax Credit Program (KIZ)

This program provides tax credits to early-stage technology-oriented businesses and entrepreneurs operating in a Keystone Innovation Zone (KIZ); companies without a tax liability may sell tax credits to companies with tax liabilities for cash.

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Keystone Opportunity Zones (KOZ)

The program provides state and local tax abatement to businesses and residents locating in one of the 12 designated zones. Businesses, property owners and residents located in a KOZ are eligible to receive significant state and local tax benefits.

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Keystone Special Development Zone (KSDZ)

The Keystone Special Development Zone (KSDZ) program was established for the purpose of providing incentives to for-profit businesses that locate and operate in designated geographic zones.

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PIDA Loans

Low interest loans and lines of credit offered through the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority for businesses that commit to creating and retaining full-time jobs.  Funds are used for land and building acquisition, building construction, and renovation.

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Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority ( Penn Vest)

The program provides low-interest loans for design, engineering and construction costs associated with publicly and privately owned drinking water distribution and treatment facilities, storm water conveyance and wastewater collection, conveyance, treatment facilities and Brownfield site remediation.

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Pennsylvania Minority Business Development Authority (PMBDA)

The Pennsylvania Minority Business Development Authority (PMBDA) Program is designed to stimulate the creation, retention and expansion of minority-owned businesses and to create jobs in Pennsylvania. PMBDA provides low-interest loans to finance a portion of the costs of land, building, machinery and equipment, and working capital to minority business enterprises unable to fully finance these projects with equity, bank financing, or other private and public sources.

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The Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) is a commonwealth grant program administered by the Office of the Budget for the acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational, and historical improvement projects.

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* This list is not exhaustive. There  are many other specialized programs available to help business grow.