Free ACA Enrollment Event
In partnership with State Rep. Mark Rozzi, I’m hosting a free Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment event from 10 a.m. to noon at the Muhlenberg Township Building at 210 George Street on Dec. 12. The event is part of the Pennsylvania Senate Democrats’ Affordable Care Act enrollment tour. During the two-hour session, healthcare consumers will have access to expert help signing up for ACA coverage as well as Medicare. The open enrollment period ends December 15. Participants will need documentation to verify his or her annual income (a W-2 or pay stub) and a driver’s license or other government-issued photo ID.

Two-Year Session
As you may know, any member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives or Pennsylvania Senate can introduce a bill. Those bills can then be amended, approved, set aside or voted down. Our state legislature operates on a two-year session, which means that every two years we start over and any bills that weren’t passed or considered need to be introduced again. When this year’s session concluded in November it also marked the end of our two-year session. The following are just a few of the bills that I plan to reintroduce for the new two-year session.
- I also anticipate legislation to address school property taxes. As always, I will continue to support elimination.
- POW-MIA Flag Display: This bill would require that the POW-MIA flag be flown alongside the American and state flags on property owned or controlled by the state.
- Balance Billing: This bill would protect patients from fees for services by out-of-network providers that would not be required if obtained in-network where patients reasonably attempted to ensure services were provided in-network.
- Absentee Ballot Deadline and Universal Absentee Vote: These two bills would extend the time for mailing in absentee ballots until Election Day and provide for no-excuse absentee ballots.
- Non-Disclosure Agreements: This bill would place restrictions on the use of non-disclosure agreements within contracts or secret out-of-court settlement related to sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.
- Early Intervention for Postpartum Depression children: This bill would add Postpartum depression as a condition for assessments, tracking and needed early intervention services.
- Emergency Addiction Treatment: This bill would create an emergency Addiction Treatment Program within Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs to increase treatment beds; provide for new intake methods; share access-to-treatment information, advice and assistance; and collect data to identify addiction patterns.

What do you think?
While we’re on the topic of bills, do you have ideas for legislation? I am often asked how ideas for legislation come to me. The truth is that legislation comes from many sources. Sometimes a bill is inspired by a specific situation I’ve encountered, or an advocacy group will bring forward an idea that needs support. If you have an idea that you think should become law, please contact my office at 610-929-2151 or e-mail me at [email protected].

Being Social
It’s a privilege to be your state senator, so it is important to me to be in touch with you.
I really like face-to-face meetings but understand that in this busy world, sometimes that isn’t possible. Feel free to call my office to ask questions or make suggestions. Also, you may connect with me through my pages on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow me for regular updates and comments about what’s happening in the district and in Harrisburg. |