Hello Friends:
I believe in fresh starts and always look forward to a new year. The past year certainly offered a multitude of challenges for us, and, well, who knows what 2017 will bring? I do know we as Pennsylvanians are ready to meet any upcoming challenges and opportunities.
Even if we don’t admit it, most of us resolve to change some aspect of our lives come January. The typical resolutions are to lose weight, exercise more and live healthier. I won’t comment on how successful I am at those (I’m eternally working on them!), but in addition to lifestyle resolutions I’m aspiring to some different goals this year. I plan to focus on how I can do more to make a positive difference for others.
For several years I’ve tutored two students for the Ready, Set, Read program. Each week I’m one of hundreds of volunteers who spend an hour in Berks County schools helping second grade students improve their reading skills. Volunteering with these students is some of the most gratifying work I have ever done. I feel like I’m making a difference for the children I read with, and I can say with certainty that they have made a change in my life.
I feel fortunate that my role as a state Senator allows me opportunities to make changes in state laws and regulations that make a difference for the future of the commonwealth. In the upcoming session I will once again serve as Democratic Chair of the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and also as the Democratic Chair of the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee and Democratic Vice-Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. I’m pleased to be assigned these important committee chairmanship posts and I look forward to working on issues like farm profitability and the opioid abuse crisis.
As you reflect on the new year I encourage you to think about how you can make a difference in someone’s life. Perhaps that means participating in local government, serving on a committee or a commission. Maybe you’ll join an organized effort such as Meals on Wheels or your local fire company. Maybe you will check on a neighbor. One simple act of kindness can make a difference.
Getting back to New Year’s resolutions, I also resolve to communicate with you more often and more effectively in 2017. Our Telephone Town Hall was a big success. We’ll do that again but we will also hold regular face-to-face town halls on a variety of topics. Look for a workshop this winter to help folks who need a second chance explore expungement of their criminal records and the pardon system. I’m not a fan of costly printed and mailed newsletters but we will get timely information out to you via e-mail and social media. Of course my staff and I are pledged to continually improve outreach and customer service to our constituents. You can always call or visit the office in the district or Harrisburg.
Have a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year,

Being Social
It’s a privilege to be your state senator, so it is important to me to be in touch with you.
I really like face-to-face meetings but understand that in this busy world, sometimes that isn’t possible. Feel free to call my office to ask questions or make suggestions. Also, you may connect with me through my pages on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow me for regular updates and comments about what’s happening in the district and in Harrisburg. |